What if we told you there’s a simple process you can use that’s 76% effective at preventing suicide? And even better? You can learn the basics right here.


Whether we are writing a plan for ourselves or helping someone else, a Crisis Response Plan always includes:

  1. Personal Warning Signs

  2. Self-Management Strategies

  3. Reasons For Living

  4. Social Support

  5. Professional Crisis Support

Use the menu to learn more about each part.

Keep the plan where it will be used. Could be a piece of paper in a wallet/purse. Could be on a phone. It just matters that’s easily accessible.


  • We all have Personal Warning Signs that an emotional crisis is on its way. Identifying these thoughts, behaviors, emotions, and sensations helps you better manage them.

  • Since you’re still alive there have been some Self-Management Strategies you’ve used when you’ve felt this way before. These are the simple things you do or say that reduce stress or distract yourself.

  • Reasons For Living give us a sense of purpose and meaning. List ways to engage with those reasons too.

  • Find the Social Support that helps you feel better when you’re feeling this way. It only takes one person.

  • List all the Professional Crisis Support you’re willing to use (and their contact information). This can be medical providers, counselors, hotlines, and/or emergency services. 988 is a great resource.

After writing the plan, read back over it. Ask: On a scale of 1-10, 1 being not at all and 10 being absolutely, how likely are you to use this plan? If it’s less than 7, make some changes to the plan.

Hope and help is always available.

For immediate support call/text 988 or text TALK to 741741.