Letter from the Director: Slow Down & Rest


Hey Y’all,

Happy Mental Health Awareness Month!

At our Mindful Monday Group this week (which you are all invited to by the way), the podcaster we listened to shared this quote by Alan Watts, “You are a function of what the whole universe is doing in the same way that a wave is a function of what the whole ocean is doing.”

Which is a pretty big concept to wrap your head around, especially because it seems like a lot is going on in the ocean these days. And by ocean I mean world.

Someone at our Systems of Care meeting last week nailed it in a more understandable way when they said, “It feels like trying to drink out of a fire hose.”

Why, yes. Yes, it does.

As most of you know if you’ve been reading these letters, we’ve seen such an increase in need here at the Coalition. The fire hose is strong and it can be easy to get overwhelmed by it. Which is why as a staff we try to ground ourselves in our values, build in moments of slowing down, and regularly connect to supportive practices.

Nothing good comes from being overwhelmed.

We’re sharing our practices with you this month in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month. That way you have some real-life strategies you can use to navigate whatever might be showing up in your own ocean, err world.




Letter from the Director: Care for When Everything is Awful